Heren Loebas bvba

Kliniekstraat 104/201

9050 Gentbrugge

0497 66 89 98

Heren Loebas creates visual stories that are so creative that people want to see them.

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#LGBT+ on sale wins audience prize
De Standaard Solidarity Prize

/ WelJongNietHetero


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This year Heren Loebas again took part in De Standaard Solidarity Prize. The fourth participation in the competition and the second time for WelJongNietHetero. This participation paid off because we won the public prize.

The call from young people for role models is greater than ever. Having someone to look up to, experiencing the same situations as yourself and creating a safe, secure feeling, makes a world of difference. Role models for LGBT's who show the way? It is a starting point in which we, as a society, have a significant share.

We sometimes see ambassadors in soaps and films, but in our Belgian advertising sector you have to search very hard to find an example. That is why it seemed time to finally change this. The Standard Solidarity Prize was an excellent opportunity for this. The advertisement clearly screamed for the attention of our fellow advertisers and certainly did not miss its goal. The advertisement - and the accompanying promotion - received extensive coverage in the press and more than 1,200 votes won WelJongNietHetero the audience prize. If not a beautiful cherry on the rainbow cake!

Read more about this project

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