Refugees are expected to integrate quickly into society after arriving in Belgium. Family reunification plays an important role in this, but it involves burdensome administrative procedures. Heren Loebas were given the challenging task of converting this complex information flow into a comprehensible message.
Creative briefing
UNHCR needs to inform both refugees and aid workers clearly about the possibilities for family reunification. A leaflet, poster and informative video need to convey the basic information as clearly and concisely as possible. And Heren Loebas was happy to get it all down on paper.

Behind the scenes
Not everyone can be reunited with their family quickly. The procedure they need to go through requires a huge amount of bureaucracy. Sometimes there is just one missing document standing in their way. Often there are many. The power of paperwork was the starting point for the video. We use a stop motion film to inform the viewer in a visual and light-hearted way, without losing sight of the seriousness of the issue. The documents that need to be provided when applying for family reunification are skilfully incorporated into the film.
‘After a series of emotional conversations with refugees and once we had examined the gruelling procedure, we simply had to accept the project. It had touched our hearts. After all, families belong together. We wanted to create something that people would understand, but we also wanted to incorporate a message of hope.’

We created the video with an analogue stop-motion technique using 2,808 shots made of folded and cut out paper. It took us nine months to complete this project. We showed our solidarity in a trial of strength with paper, because it takes at least this long for a refugee to get through the paperwork and be reunited with their family.

Winning team
Frederick Tilleman / stop-motion artist
Studio Kosmonaut / copywriting and translation
Architekst / translations
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